Spring Fever

   Ah, Spring......we're all ready after a loooooong cold winter. Spring reminds us of renewal, rebirth, Resurrection, reasons to celebrate new life. Just yesterday I spied a sweet crocus peeking out of the snow. 
   Maybe your life could use a Spring. Maybe you've been trying life all on your own and failing miserably. Maybe a new life with Christ as the center would be what you need. Christ wants ALL, not just our church life, not just on the outside that looks all nice, but our everything. 
   Of course, to give all in surrender means forsaking sin, means repenting, means not going back. Many of us are not willing to do that. It's too hard? Is life right now hard without Him?  Can I tell you that life with Christ is so much more satisfying, so much richer than living without Him.  He is enough. He grows us - puts out new growth, roots reach further down, green shoots reach for Him. His Word is alive. Same yesterday, tomorrow and forever. 
   Requirements for growth: Soil, good rich soil, a heart that is eager to accept truth. Water, the water of good preaching and Christian friends. Sun, to draw us upward out of the dirt toward life. 


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