Face Time

   I hope when I get older, (if God gives me many more years), that I'll live in a community of people who remember what neighborly means. I tend to isolate myself, so I'm going to especially need that contact.
   This has become an isolated society - the only contacts many have are FaceBook or telephone - and that's not just older people. Not only do we need face to face time but we must become intentional about teaching our children what it means to simply look someone in the eyes and smile.
   In this frenzied world, there needs to be lessons on looking for someone who needs a "face". Even today I heard someone mention they were reminded of a lonely elderly neighbor, only because that neighbor called.
   And it's not just the elderly who have become lonely; it's the forgotten ones (out of sight, out of mind), the mentally ill, the physically challenged, the unlovelies, all need face time.
   Is it your face they need to see?


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