I remembered to flip the calendars to June finally, on the 3rd day. Really, wasn't it just yesterday that I flipped them to May?! I don't need to tell you how fast time know this.

     I find myself suddenly nearing "older" and that is unbelievable - inconceivable - impossible. My parents were OLD. Now I am that age. Even my second born is nearing middle age....whaaaaat?!

     Yesterday, I was just married (reality is that it's almost 50 years). Yesterday, I had a baby girl who looked like me. Yesterday, she was still a baby and I birthed a baby boy who looked like his daddy. Yesterday, they went to school and then suddenly, they were teenagers. Oy.

     I blinked, I didn't record each thing. I didn't play enough. I didn't love well. I let it pass without a thought. I never said STOP - wait - let's talk - let's savor these moments.

     Yesterday, came grandchildren, now, they're young men. Vaguely, I remember rocking them, singing little boy songs, so long ago. But wasn't it yesterday!?

     I don't have a bucket list, I've been able to visit many places, do lots of adventurous things. If God called me home right now, I'm ready. Are there regrets? Of course. Did I fail? Oh, lots. But there are people who don't know Jesus like I do. So, I'm not done. I might be older, but I still have breath and a job to spread the Gospel until my brain is mush. Jesus said GO, so go I must.

     The regrets, that was yesterday. Today, I go. I want to keep going. I want to be intentional like I wasn't yesterday. I want days to count not fly. I want to savor times and not miss anything.  I want today.


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