Grudge: To dislike or feel angry toward someone for something
                   To give, do, or allow something in a reluctant or unwilling way.
     How long do we cling to hurts, to wrongs, to past grievances? Past like long, long ago. Is there a formula? Could there be an expiration date, a time limit? Do we HAVE to forgive?

     Joseph forgave his brothers for selling him away, and the people who promised to get him out of jail and then forgot. Jesus forgave His crucifiers!!! He forgives me when I repent!

     So, why then, do we keep the sad, heavy burden of it? Why is it so very hard to let it go and go on to the next thing? Why do we remain paralyzed by past? Why not choose today to let it go, lay it down, give it up.

     How often it is that the person we hold a grudge against has no clue they've even done anything - or it was long ago forgotten.

     I suggest to you that you put it away - not for taking back out on a gloomy day, but to perhaps write it all down on a piece of paper and then shred it or burn it.

     Yes, it was a hurtful thing, or caused a long time of pain, or downright mean, but the holding on is a terrible hindrance to a sweet healing that could be. Maybe it's your time to LET IT GO!! Maybe it's the time to put it on the altar and ask God to remove it, once and for all.

     Perhaps the letting go can be used in a mighty way to be a witness for someone else who needs to let it go. Freedom from it is powerful!


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