
Showing posts from 2015


     There are many irritants to our world, point being "OUR": meaning nobody else should occupy our own agenda, including our driving.       I've tried to chill - I've prayed for that dear old man who didn't use a signal. I've said "bless her heart", she must be having a bad day for not waiting two seconds til I go by before she pulled out.       But, over and over I lose it and mutter under my breath or throw my hands up in disgust.       However, I think I've finally let Holy Spirit God give me direction for this dilemma. You see, I only have Christian music playing on my radio and often I'm joyfully singing along. Of course, if there's a boom boom musical car next to me at a light I have to turn mine up!      So, today, I realized how wrong I've been, how hypocritically correct. Ok, I get it God - I SHARE the road, I'm going to my destination and so are they!     ...

What Do You Want?

     Jesus asked people what they wanted or what they sought from Him. I've always pondered that question and so I would answer Him this way:        I want to continue with Him. I want MORE. I want to live Jesus, breathe Him. I want to be desperate for His Word. I want to know Him for just knowing HIM - not just for being wise in scriptures - not for knowing more than other people.      I want to know His character, His ways, His purposes for me. I want to be obedient to Him, to His will and not mine. I want to want what He wants!      Jesus said "Come and see". I want to go, not wait for Him to come to me. He didn't say I'll show you the way, I have to come to Him. This means leave where I am. Leave safe, forgo ordinary, quit mediocrity. Stop being lazy in the discipline to pursue hard after Him. No more distractions allowing sameness.      COME - He says - leave discouragement, make a move toward H...

R. E. S. P. E. C. T.

     This is what it means to me. I respect your right to believe what you believe. I do. But, I get a sense that this doesn't come back the same way for you respecting mine. (Or vice versa)      So, how shall we coexist in this world of "whatever floats your boat"?  How do we respect each other and not get into the next great debate when we talk?  What became of "do unto others as you would have done to you"?  Why is there only hatred and animosity about what we believe?      God knit in a "free will" gene in us, therefore we are indeed free to do and say and believe whatever we want. We make these choices every day. Are they all correct?  Usually only in our own eyes.      But.....we must live in the same houses, towns, cities, countries....together. In close proximity. In unity-ish. It can only be because we choose to love anyway.      As for me - I will show respect to you. Won't y...

Tell Your Story

     What do you do with regrets? Where do they go when you tuck them away until you are reminded of them once again? How do you handle wasted years? Do you hide your past from people so they won't think less of you? But what if your friend is going through something you've gone through, wouldn't you tell them how you made it?  What if you see a younger person about to make a huge mistake, just like you did, won't you tell him!?      God's Word says in Joel 2:25 that He restores what the locusts have eaten. I want to think this is how He does that. He allows you to help someone thereby using your "stuff" so that He can redeem others. Yet, we are scared to tell, we'd rather cling to our sadness because it's where we have become comfortable. We think our business would be best left hidden.      Is there a sure fire way to be free of things in our past? No      Should we allow God to give us voice to help another on thei...


     I remembered to flip the calendars to June finally, on the 3rd day. Really, wasn't it just yesterday that I flipped them to May?! I don't need to tell you how fast time know this.      I find myself suddenly nearing "older" and that is unbelievable - inconceivable - impossible. My parents were OLD. Now I am that age. Even my second born is nearing middle age....whaaaaat?!      Yesterday, I was just married (reality is that it's almost 50 years). Yesterday, I had a baby girl who looked like me. Yesterday, she was still a baby and I birthed a baby boy who looked like his daddy. Yesterday, they went to school and then suddenly, they were teenagers. Oy.      I blinked, I didn't record each thing. I didn't play enough. I didn't love well. I let it pass without a thought. I never said STOP - wait - let's talk - let's savor these moments.      Yesterday, came grandchildren, now, they're young ...

Left Field

     Ever find yourself out there? Left field, left out, left behind? Just.......left?      Well, that's exactly the "right" place to be, according to the Word of God. 1 Peter 1:15 says "Be holy in all your conduct." It says ALL, it doesn't say only at church, or only at home, or only at work. What if, after you die, people go through all your stuff; all your books, your DVDs, your daily planners, your emails, and your internet activity, what will they see?  Will they see a life of purity? Holiness?      Left field, the place of holiness, is actually a place quite free from the burden and weight of sin. It's truly a "happy place". Hebrews 1:9 says "You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; therefore God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of gladness beyond your companions."      People are supposed to be able to look at Christians and see what God is like. Are people drawn to be a Christian by the way...

In Search of Smarties

.    I heard it said that old people are wise. Wait, when does this occur? Because I'm pretty old now and yet I'm not seeing much wisdom happening here. You would think it would just BE - poof - one day I'd wake up and be wise. But I keep on doing really dumb stuff.      I think it's easy to quote "been there, done that" simply by the fact that all these years have been lived and gone. So, somehow I need to figure out how to use all the dumb in order to use it for wise. I think I can do this. But when I've always done a thing a certain way and it goes bad again? Slap my forehead, let's do different! Say ugly words that can't be taken back? Bam! Hush! If anything I've learned, but not necessarily practiced, it is Phillipians 2:  lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself.      I don't always have to be right - I want to be - but I don't have to be. Solomon asked for wisdom. James says I can too, so, yes, I...


     "When He comes in our day, no one will be able to speak except God. When God is through speaking, you will know how He sees what you have done." Henry Blackaby      We have indeed lost the fear of a Holy God. When God judged His people Israel, time and again He destroyed. In the time of King Josiah, everyone was doing what was right in their own eyes - moving toward another judgment. (2 Kings 22:11 - 23:3) But Josiah trembled at the Scripture that had lain covered in debri and led his people to repentance.      When was the last time the Word caused you to tremble at what it was saying to you?  Do we realize that some of our sin, had it occurred in Bible times would have us stoned? When there is no fear of God, there is no fear of sin. If our sin doesn't cause us to feel bad, then we feel like it must be ok to do. Yet, generations are already receiving judgment.....godless homes, divorce, sexual sins, cheating, blaming, etc. Take ...


.    I've seen poverty, the 3rd world country kind of poverty. The shock of seeing it never eases. The shock of seeing barefoot children running after your bus because they know you've brought food. Not toys - not candy - not even is the important issue. Clean food, clean water, such a luxury for them.      I've seen these precious people worship. Weeping and crying out to the God who provides and answers prayers. Desperate prayers, earnest prayers, fervent prayers. It doesn't matter what language. Work weary arms raised in praise and thanksgiving. And this after walking perhaps miles to even get there.      I've seen worn women raising their babies, sacrificing for them from their meager supplies. Yet they smile. Genuine smiles. They are grateful. They are beautiful.      They are beautiful to God. They are beautiful to me.      Me: rich and fat and rested      Me: lazy and s...

What's Love Got To Do With It?

     I'm still learning about love. I've never done it well. I withhold love when I should give it. Maybe I grew up feeling unloved. Maybe I was not taught how. Maybe I've tried all the wrong ways. Maybe I'm missing a "love gene".      Lately I've seen what love is supposed to look like. I've seen moms love on their children. I've seen them have to be firm, but yet with love. It's a hard, yet tender thing. The hard part is really HARD, but it's because of love.      I've seen the church love on people (people that in my opinion seem very hard to love).  But the church opens arms to all of them. I wish I could love better. I think I'm trying. Sometimes tears remind me that at least I'm caring more.      Perhaps I've forgotten to imitate the Person of love. Jesus loved prostitutes and murderers and tax collectors and all sorts of stinky people. Why don't I?  He clearly is the example the church follows - at least ...