There are many irritants to our world, point being "OUR": meaning nobody else should occupy our own agenda, including our driving. 

     I've tried to chill - I've prayed for that dear old man who didn't use a signal. I've said "bless her heart", she must be having a bad day for not waiting two seconds til I go by before she pulled out. 

     But, over and over I lose it and mutter under my breath or throw my hands up in disgust. 

     However, I think I've finally let Holy Spirit God give me direction for this dilemma. You see, I only have Christian music playing on my radio and often I'm joyfully singing along. Of course, if there's a boom boom musical car next to me at a light I have to turn mine up!

     So, today, I realized how wrong I've been, how hypocritically correct. Ok, I get it God - I SHARE the road, I'm going to my destination and so are they!  

     So, I'll keep singing along - loudly, when the irritants occur and take my ugly thoughts captive, by His grace. 

     Now, if only they would leave the good parking spaces.........sigh


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