"When He comes in our day, no one will be able to speak except God. When God is through speaking, you will know how He sees what you have done." Henry Blackaby
     We have indeed lost the fear of a Holy God. When God judged His people Israel, time and again He destroyed. In the time of King Josiah, everyone was doing what was right in their own eyes - moving toward another judgment. (2 Kings 22:11 - 23:3) But Josiah trembled at the Scripture that had lain covered in debri and led his people to repentance.
     When was the last time the Word caused you to tremble at what it was saying to you?  Do we realize that some of our sin, had it occurred in Bible times would have us stoned? When there is no fear of God, there is no fear of sin. If our sin doesn't cause us to feel bad, then we feel like it must be ok to do. Yet, generations are already receiving judgment.....godless homes, divorce, sexual sins, cheating, blaming, etc. Take time to read Malachi 3:1-7. He will come and purify and witness against those who do not fear Him.
     Our nation is a reflection of the choices of the church and its relationship with God. We don't see a need for corporate prayer - serious, fervent prayers of repentance. We don't often hear sermons on judgment or sin. We gladly accept salvation from the Son of God who died for our sins, all the while continuing to sin and not realizing the consequences. James 4:17 says to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin. Oh, we're just human, we say, but we are not if we have the Holy Spirit living in us. Our lives are no longer ours to do as we please. We simply choose to sin, we don't have to.
     So, what does it mean to tremble at the Word of God?  We shudder, we abhor sin, we are to be holy as He is Holy. We bear His Name!  David begged God not to cast him away from His presence. (Psalm 51). Our sin gives God a bad name, even if no one sees it, it's still sin against God.
     Revival will only happen when the world sees God's people realize the seriousness of their sin and repents.  Psalm 24: 3-10 must be our prayer. We must allow Scripture to identify our own sin and respond accordingly. Then, a dying world can comprehend the magnitude of sin and turn to the only Hope.


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