Who's Gonna Fill Their Shoes?

   When I first became involved with a church, a dear lady took me under her wing and conned me into being on the kitchen committee. If you know me at all, you know that the kitchen is not where I belong. But she schooled me in some things kitchen, but mostly she schooled me in ways of church.
   Then later a friend persuaded me to go "visiting" with her. I had no idea what that even meant, but she was my friend so I went. Boy, did she school me! So much so that I ended up being Outreach Director. But the schooling was going, the learning was used.
   So, who am I schooling? Who is going to come behind me when I'm gone?  Who taught you things of the Bible and things of church life?  Who taught you prayer? Who taught you humility and where grace lives? Who taught you to love?
   There is, I'm afraid, a generation lost who has never understood the gospel message because nobody really explained it to them. Oh, they hear Bible stories and maybe memorize things, but who makes it real to them, brings it to where they are, makes the Word alive?
   I beg parents, especially dads, to bring back God into your homes. Don't assume they're going to get it from church. Live it, teach it, model it - be transparent and real before your children.
   I love that some are having media/device free nights to take back family. The Bible tells us to teach as we go. Make everything a teachable moment. Wear some shoes that someone will want to fill!


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