Fence Sitters
I believe, as Christians, we have been sitting on the fence far too long. I'm talking about genuine, born-again, converted, followers of Christ here, not church attenders.
We go to our churches and listen to the Word being taught, but we aren't living it, breathing it, telling it, or abiding in it.
We're sitting on our fences throwing stones at "those sinners" while we are lazy and apathetic and don't try to show them the right ways.
So what needs to happen? What does jumping down off the fence look like?
Church, we must pursue holiness. That means perhaps not going to every movie that comes along, not watching TV so much. Spending more time in prayer. A lot more time.
We should strive always to become more like Jesus. WWJD wasn't such a bad idea.
Then there's surrender - giving God everything - your relationships - your hobbies - your family - surrendered to His Lordship. Jesus has some hard sayings; Luke 14: 33.....whoever of you who does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple. And there's a matter of obedience He demands - James 1: 22, not merely hearing the Word, but doing it.
So, Church, we must STAND instead of sit. We must GO instead of occupying a pew. We must SPEAK Truth and stop being the silent majority. (Or have we become the minority?)
His promise for obedience, surrender, and holiness is that He will never leave us or forsake us.
So, jump down, church. STAND!
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