Save the Whale, Hug a Tree??
It occurs to me that Creator God is Sovereign, and since HE spoke all the big and little creatures and plant life into existence, that it's His business if He chooses to be done with whatever form of life He may want to be extinct. After all, He was kind of done with mankind for a minute there except for Noah and his family. So, why do we feel like we have to save, for instance, the whatever tiny creature that keeps us from our own oil - which by the way - God still produces in abundance. Back there in Genesis, God gave man dominion over the earth and all the animals which leads me to believe He cares for humankind more than animal or plant. While I believe we could do better as stewards, God is still on the Throne, taking care of the universe according to His will and plan. Who knows, maybe He will get tired of the mosquito and the tick.