
Showing posts from March, 2014

Save the Whale, Hug a Tree??

    It occurs to me that Creator God is Sovereign, and since HE spoke all the big and little creatures and plant life into existence, that it's His business if He chooses to be done with whatever form of life He may want to be extinct. After all, He was kind of done with mankind for a minute there except for Noah and his family.     So, why do we feel like we have to save, for instance, the whatever tiny creature that keeps us from our own oil - which by the way - God still produces in abundance. Back there in Genesis, God gave man dominion over the earth and all the animals which leads me to believe He cares for humankind more than animal or plant.     While I believe we could do better as stewards, God is still on the Throne, taking care of the universe according to His will and plan. Who knows, maybe He will get tired of the mosquito and the tick.

Fence Sitters

    I believe, as Christians, we have been sitting on the fence far too long. I'm talking about genuine, born-again, converted, followers of Christ here, not church attenders.     We go to our churches and listen to the Word being taught, but we aren't living it, breathing it, telling it, or abiding in it.      We're sitting on our fences throwing stones at "those sinners" while we are lazy and apathetic and don't try to show them the right ways.      So what needs to happen? What does jumping down off the fence look like?      Church, we must pursue holiness. That means perhaps not going to every movie that comes along, not watching TV so much. Spending more time in prayer. A lot more time.      We should strive always to become more like Jesus. WWJD wasn't such a bad idea.      Then there's surrender - giving God everything - your relationships - your hobbies - your family - surre...

Sisters, Kin

    I always wanted a sister. Never knew until I was 30 that I'd had one all along in a half-sister. When we finally met each other it was so astounding - like we'd always known each other. We were so alike! We liked the same things! We had even named our daughters the same thing!     This is what I've experienced in our mentoring program at church, Titus 2 Women. Not only have I gained a bunch of sisters, we share Christ together which makes it even more special.     We have all had struggles, burdens, pain - and we can cry and laugh and lift each other up whenever we meet. Many times we try to "get over it" alone or hide our pain in lots of different ways but today as we started a new session, I was reminded anew how the Holy Spirit guides our conversations and ministers to us. Sisters, kin.     Over and over, as we shared, God bonded woman to woman in tears and prayers as they were able to express deep hurts. Wow God, You are our Healer. We ...

Who's Gonna Fill Their Shoes?

   When I first became involved with a church, a dear lady took me under her wing and conned me into being on the kitchen committee. If you know me at all, you know that the kitchen is not where I belong. But she schooled me in some things kitchen, but mostly she schooled me in ways of church.    Then later a friend persuaded me to go "visiting" with her. I had no idea what that even meant, but she was my friend so I went. Boy, did she school me! So much so that I ended up being Outreach Director. But the schooling was going, the learning was used.    So, who am I schooling? Who is going to come behind me when I'm gone?  Who taught you things of the Bible and things of church life?  Who taught you prayer? Who taught you humility and where grace lives? Who taught you to love?    There is, I'm afraid, a generation lost who has never understood the gospel message because nobody really explained it to them. Oh, they hear Bible stories and...


Thorn trees are part of our walk. Right now and all winter they are thick and sharp and menacing. But soon, when leaves come, the thorns will be hidden from view. Made me ponder.....what do we cover our thorns with? When we talk about someone, the barbs dig in. When we judge, the crown pushes further down. We cover those barbs with "prayer concerns" and "trying to help someone". But aren't we just uncovering their shame. Even ourselves, we dress up with righteous works and piety. I was reminded of a song by FFH a few years back, On My Cross. The chorus says "I don't know why You went where I was meant to go. I don't know why You love me so. Those were my nails, that was my crown, that pierced Your hands and Your brow. Those were my thorns, those were my scorns, those were my tears that fell down....." I want to remember that the thorns are under the pretty leaves - that He bore my shame, my blame, took my place. I don't want the story p...

Spring Fever

   Ah, Spring......we're all ready after a loooooong cold winter. Spring reminds us of renewal, rebirth, Resurrection, reasons to celebrate new life. Just yesterday I spied a sweet crocus peeking out of the snow.     Maybe your life could use a Spring. Maybe you've been trying life all on your own and failing miserably. Maybe a new life with Christ as the center would be what you need. Christ wants ALL, not just our church life, not just on the outside that looks all nice, but our everything.     Of course, to give all in surrender means forsaking sin, means repenting, means not going back. Many of us are not willing to do that. It's too hard? Is life right now hard without Him?  Can I tell you that life with Christ is so much more satisfying, so much richer than living without Him.  He is enough. He grows us - puts out new growth, roots reach further down, green shoots reach for Him. His Word is alive. Same yesterday, tomorrow and fo...

Face Time

   I hope when I get older, (if God gives me many more years), that I'll live in a community of people who remember what neighborly means. I tend to isolate myself, so I'm going to especially need that contact.    This has become an isolated society - the only contacts many have are FaceBook or telephone - and that's not just older people. Not only do we need face to face time but we must become intentional about teaching our children what it means to simply look someone in the eyes and smile.    In this frenzied world, there needs to be lessons on looking for someone who needs a "face". Even today I heard someone mention they were reminded of a lonely elderly neighbor, only because that neighbor called.    And it's not just the elderly who have become lonely; it's the forgotten ones (out of sight, out of mind), the mentally ill, the physically challenged, the unlovelies, all need face time.    Is it your face they need to see?

Love Fail

This year God is trying to get me to comprehend love. To love like Him. I cannot. I fail. But He hasn't given up on me. He keeps putting those unlovelies before me saying - "I love them, I want you to love them too". But God......this one drives me bonkers! But God......this one is using me!  But God......this one is so obnoxious! But Suzanne......"I sent My Son to die for you, right?" He died for 'them' too. Oh. So, I'm trying; my actions are a bit ahead of my heart motives, but I shall not give up. Even when I plain don't want to love that one. Even when it's so easy to ignore God's prompting to give a touch from Him. Even when I turn inwardly selfish and want to isolate....... I will push on, I will lean in, I will press love.

Aging Out

The older I get, the less things matter. Take things for instance - wish I had less clutter. Then there's approval - I don't need it from anyone anymore.  How about money? Do I really NEED anything? The longer I walk with God, simple life is much more attractive, and easier, and carefree - like porch sitting in the summer - paddling around a little pool - knitting in a comfy chair. But, all that said, God is never done with us til we're dead, so am I making good use of the time He has left for me? Am I really about Kingdom business? Do I love God and love my neighbor with my all? Selfishness plagues me, I'd like to blame it on the culture, but it's pride. Things on my bucket list aren't things to go see or go do, they are things like leading people to a deeper walk with God, learning more about the power of prayer, seeing people's desires change from worldly to Godly. But am I being the example I need to be?  Are they going to be attracted to God because ...