What is Grace?

     When my children were toddlers, the rule was no food or drink except in the kitchen. It was moppable and carpet was in the rest of the house so there was a reason for the rule. Of course, they would go to the very edge of it - until I would say, you know the rule, and they would go back to the table. But they never went beyond the invisible boundary. They respected the authority and the rule worked.

     Well, then fast forward to grandchildren. Suddenly grace abounded and was extended to them, even though they knew of the rule. I remember a particular spill that occurred - and had it been a child instead of grandchild - I would've become "The Enforcer". But Granny grace said, it's ok!

     Now, had said grandchild deliberately and willfully upended the sippycup to make milk patterns on the carpet........granny grace would've been all over that. Authority had to jump up and restate the rule forgotten. Chastisement would have to be rendered. Cup impounded. Apology required.

     Fast forward again and we are all over the house eating and drinking now. Another rule is that the kitchen closes at 9 pm. And it works, because if somebody has been out late and comes home hungry, they will ask first and apologize for the late hour. Because they have been shown grace they respect the rule and they respect the rule giver.

     Could it be the same with our Law Giver? Can we respect the rules and the Law Giver? Or will we simply expect grace all the time?


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