Church, really???

     Jesus is coming back. Some days I'd like that to be very soon. But, He's coming back for His people......the Church. He is coming for a pure, spotless church. So, obviously, that is taking longer.

     Jesus called out sin. He forgave repentant ones. Shouldn't we call out sin as well if we strive to be like Jesus? But, like the rich young ruler, we cannot give up our wealth - our sin, whatever it may be. Grace covers it all we believe.

     I WANT my sin exposed. That's why I read His Word that points it out to me. That's why I like Pastors to call me out, even when it hurts. Even when I disagree. Even when I have rationalized and stubbornly continued in it.

     Church, it's time to wake up. It's time we took off blinders of grace and recognize the purity He calls for, the holiness, the Jesus-likeness. God is calling for us to be broken, to die to self daily, to be intolerant of sin in our own lives and in the lives of those around us.

     We have been asleep for far too long. We have overlooked "little" sins while blasting the "biggies". Open our eyes to see, our ears to hear. Let's not hear from God, you are lukewarm church.
Let us strive to hear, well done good and faithful servant. Am I a servant who speaks Truth? Am I seeking to uncover sin or cover it up?

     In this day of not wanting to offend anyone, I don't care if I am. I am past caring about feelings. I am not accusing anyone. I am looking at my own life and finding me lacking. May I look toward holiness in my life and I pray you will do the same.


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