"When He comes in our day, no one will be able to speak except God. When God is through speaking, you will know how He sees what you have done." Henry Blackaby We have indeed lost the fear of a Holy God. When God judged His people Israel, time and again He destroyed. In the time of King Josiah, everyone was doing what was right in their own eyes - moving toward another judgment. (2 Kings 22:11 - 23:3) But Josiah trembled at the Scripture that had lain covered in debri and led his people to repentance. When was the last time the Word caused you to tremble at what it was saying to you? Do we realize that some of our sin, had it occurred in Bible times would have us stoned? When there is no fear of God, there is no fear of sin. If our sin doesn't cause us to feel bad, then we feel like it must be ok to do. Yet, generations are already receiving judgment.....godless homes, divorce, sexual sins, cheating, blaming, etc. Take ...