Blurred Lines

     As I was applying eye shadow this morning, and then using a q-tip to blur the line, it occurred to me that as Christians we have blurred the lines of sin. We have taken God's commands and tweaked them to suit our cultural demands.

     We have made up new names for sins; "hooking up" instead of fornication; "terminating" instead of abortion, "flings" rather than adultery; "alternative lifestyles" in place of any number of ways we decide is right in our own eyes.

     Whatever we decide to call sin, we must remember that a Holy God knows the real names and that there are real consequences for the blurs, um, sins.  His Word is the final authority, it matters not what we as a society declare to be right.  

      God commands, demands, holiness. Are we seeking God's approval or man's approval? We can almost always find a man to approve our behaviors. Are we teaching our children what morality is according to God's standards or the world's standards? Do they know what His standards are, or are we just passing down our own standards by our behaviors?

     I can't believe at my "older" age that I even care if I use eye shadow and that it is properly blurred, but more importantly, do I make sure that my life the world sees is un-blurred by sins?

     Do I turn a blind eye to the sins around me? Am I not to confront sins, not in judgement but in love? Have we been silent far too long?  I noticed that an athlete caved to society by removing his shirt that said Jesus on it. I think I'll wear my Jesus shirt anyway. What can man do to me?  Time to stand up Church!


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