What's Not To Hate
Lots of hate of late. Killings of Christians, bombings in Israel. The sermon on Sunday was about loving our enemies. Is that even possible?? Jesus says it in Matthew 5: "Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you."
As sobering as that commandment is, it is His Truth, same as for today, as yesterday, and the future. Is that why we sit silently? Is the Truth too hard for us to carry out? Is it possible at all to fathom that Sovereign God sees and knows?
How long do we cry in anguish? What must we do to put this passage in practice? Can we trust that it will all be for His glory? Trust is a key word. Psalm 70: 14 says "You are the God who does wonders; You have declared Your strength among the peoples."
So, we pray. We plead with this God of wonders......bring peace we cry.......take care of our enemies......make Your Name known among the heathen. We pray for grace sufficient. We pray for God to raise up men of valor to lead us. We pray for courage. We pray for protection. We pray when we cannot utter a sound and Holy Spirit God groans for us.
As sobering as that commandment is, it is His Truth, same as for today, as yesterday, and the future. Is that why we sit silently? Is the Truth too hard for us to carry out? Is it possible at all to fathom that Sovereign God sees and knows?
How long do we cry in anguish? What must we do to put this passage in practice? Can we trust that it will all be for His glory? Trust is a key word. Psalm 70: 14 says "You are the God who does wonders; You have declared Your strength among the peoples."
So, we pray. We plead with this God of wonders......bring peace we cry.......take care of our enemies......make Your Name known among the heathen. We pray for grace sufficient. We pray for God to raise up men of valor to lead us. We pray for courage. We pray for protection. We pray when we cannot utter a sound and Holy Spirit God groans for us.
Amen and amen.