Garden Sin
In searching for the elusive cucumbers and zucchini, I have discovered that they plot to hide until they are gigantic. So is sin, starts out small, lurks and entices, anticipates our scrutiny and then BAM, too late. Too big. But for God, we can be overtaken and ruined. Thankful that He is a forgiving Savior. No sin too big! Cucumbers can be!
Seems all the good stuff is near the bottom, and we have to get down to that level to see the fruits. I open the Bible and sometimes get distracted by the simple reading and not getting anything out of that read and have to stop and bend down to the context or stop and observe more closely.
Then there're bees, busy little critters - all those flowers to visit. Busy stuff is a trip up for many of us. Have to be careful to not get tangled up in the vines while diligently seeking. Keep focus!
Oh I forgot the bunnies and squirrels! They are near. They aren't too scared of us gardeners. They can be so absorbed in the fruits of my labor that they miss the dog stalking them. The Bible says for us to be self-controlled and alert, because the devil is prowling around looking for someone to devour. (1 Peter 5:8).
So, gardeners, don't get too busy, pay attention to the weeds that want to choke. God has a great harvest if we don't give up. And don't bring any bugs into the house!
Seems all the good stuff is near the bottom, and we have to get down to that level to see the fruits. I open the Bible and sometimes get distracted by the simple reading and not getting anything out of that read and have to stop and bend down to the context or stop and observe more closely.
Then there're bees, busy little critters - all those flowers to visit. Busy stuff is a trip up for many of us. Have to be careful to not get tangled up in the vines while diligently seeking. Keep focus!
Oh I forgot the bunnies and squirrels! They are near. They aren't too scared of us gardeners. They can be so absorbed in the fruits of my labor that they miss the dog stalking them. The Bible says for us to be self-controlled and alert, because the devil is prowling around looking for someone to devour. (1 Peter 5:8).
So, gardeners, don't get too busy, pay attention to the weeds that want to choke. God has a great harvest if we don't give up. And don't bring any bugs into the house!
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