Don't Judge Me

     There's been a quote going around that says don't judge me because my sin is different from yours, and believe me I don't judge, because I certainly do sin. And there is a Holy, Righteous God who does the judging.
     The thing is, when I sin, I realize that it offends that Holy God, and because I want to please Him, I desire to repent and not commit that sin anymore. That woman in the Bible, when caught in the act of adultery and was brought before Jesus -  was not condemned before Him but admonished to go and sin no more. I want to believe that she did exactly that.
     Sin is indeed judged. Sin indeed has consequences. But God has given us the free will to come to Him and say we are sorry and also the power to not continue sinning.  And when we do that, He forgives. Forgives freely and remembers the sin no more.
     But today we don't want to call our behavior sin. Trust me, God still does. He declares sins and judgements all throughout His Word. The Word that does not change. Society and culture and man's laws change every day but not so with Holy God. He has a standard of living that He has given to follow.
     So, whatever sins we live, just remember that He knows,  and I imagine,  sorrows over them. And longs for us to come to Him with sorrow as well so that He can redeem us once again. And remember that we cannot pick up stones to throw, because we sin too.


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