
Showing posts from 2016

Who Am I?

     So many times in our lives we have to kind of redefine who we are. Our lives can take on drastic changes we didn't see coming and suddenly we aren't who we thought we were. Or, even things that are expected leave us dazed and wondering what is next.      We were single and then we get married and we have to figure out how to do that. Then perhaps we have children and we're momma, ma, mommy, mother, mom - seemingly forever. But they grow up and then we go back to ?????      Death may come and change everything. Parents die and leave us as orphans. I think of the passage in the Bible that says God puts us in families. A child may die. Your identity as mom is no more. Who are we then? Those families God puts us in are changed - but we can find the orphans of others and begin to minister to them.      A spouse is gone and you are alone again. Starting over, who am I now? Sometimes we fuss and scream about these changes i...

Change is Good????

     Why do we dislike change so much? Comfort seems so much more easy to dwell in. Ease of breath, pain free, just, well.......comfortable.      One day it settles in - a wind blowing the opposite way, ruffling feathers, making waves in our calm sea. Who threw a rock in our water? Why would anything disturb our quietude so? We squirm, we protest, we cry.      However, God doesn't want us to be a stagnant pond of blah. He wants us to open our sails. He wants us to fly! He has winds ready for His exact time to send us to "different".      Do we like it! Not usually. Is it for our growth? Yes. Will everyone we love go with? Nope.      In the Bible wind was sometimes wild and boisterous, but Jesus stilled it, and everyone was amazed. In Acts the wind of God filled the house with Holy Spirit power. In James we're told to ask in faith else we're tossed about.      So, how do we stand in this w...

I Got Nuthin

     I love to talk - I do - but lately I have no words. I'm not sure I even could come up with thoughts enough to connect any words together.  Maybe God has shut me up, I don't know, maybe He's just waiting to give me a huge revelation.      I hope someone in this meantime doesn't come to me for wisdom or advice or counsel and I stare back at them blankly and can't even utter the words "I got nuthin", because I would never want to let anyone down.      So I wait......God has put that word in my heart this year.......wait. I wish I knew what I was waiting for, but I don't. I want Him to do some specific things that only He can do, but I wait. I wait for a Word and hope I'm being still enough to listen. I wait for things to change and see only sameness.      But.......I have enough hope and enough patience to do this wait because of God. I trust His promises to bring about His perfect will - for my good and His glory...


      Straight outta Experiencing God is why I went back to Guatemala. It says that you watch where God is working and you join Him there. When the first or second group came back and reported to our church about Hope of Life and what God was doing there, I determined to go. The next trip that was feasible for me though, happened to be a medical trip, and I wondered why in the world He would urge me to go then. But I went and wasn't too great a hindrance to the team who conducted clinics for the villages near Hope of Life.       That's the why I went this time and then we were asked how this trip possibly changed us. I pondered that during the trip this June, this boiling hot, arduous trip, and came up with some answers and changes. It took some reflection and questioning and doubting and I came up with several things.       Three of us ladies conducted a "Bible study" for the ladies of Zion church there in Los Palmares. I put in...

What is Grace?

     When my children were toddlers, the rule was no food or drink except in the kitchen. It was moppable and carpet was in the rest of the house so there was a reason for the rule. Of course, they would go to the very edge of it - until I would say, you know the rule, and they would go back to the table. But they never went beyond the invisible boundary. They respected the authority and the rule worked.      Well, then fast forward to grandchildren. Suddenly grace abounded and was extended to them, even though they knew of the rule. I remember a particular spill that occurred - and had it been a child instead of grandchild - I would've become "The Enforcer". But Granny grace said, it's ok!      Now, had said grandchild deliberately and willfully upended the sippycup to make milk patterns on the carpet........granny grace would've been all over that. Authority had to jump up and restate the rule forgotten. Chastisement would have to be re...

Be Holy

In 1 Peter, we are told that we are to be holy because God is Holy. So, what does that look like? As obedient children, we are not to conform to our former lusts, but to be holy in all our conduct. How then do we walk that out? We first have to see sin as God sees it, coming short of what He requires. But, God, I'm just human! Yes, but as a child of God, a born again believer, we have the indwelling Holy Spirit, and we are to live for Him! Paul said it this way in Galatians: "I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me." Which brings us a new question. What must I do with my sin? David tells us that in Psalm 51, and we have to recognize and realize our sin. People can tell us all day that we committed a sin, but until God points it out we will hide it, allow it, and not stop it. But when God shows us the sin, our...

Be Healed

     When Jesus came upon a person, often He would ask them what they wanted. To the ones who said "to be healed", He immediately took care of their physical ailments. But what about hearts, spirits, friendships, hurts that can't be seen, Jesus - how can You help that? How can words that have been hurled be removed? He pretty much leaves that up to us - the ones who have to choke down resentments and pride and the need to be right - the wronged and fling-ers of words alike - he says forgive. But God?!......  Mt. 5:44, Jesus says......but I say to you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which spitefully use you, and persecute you. But God?!....... Eph. 4:32 Be kind to one another, tender hearted, forgiving one another as God in Christ forgave you. But God?!...... When we repent of OUR sins, God mercifully releases us from our debt, because of His Son's death on the Cross. When WE release our offenders...

Repentance = Restoration

     Did me a little Bible searching tonight because I wondered how we come about being restored after we sin. Seems the only way it comes is if we repent. So, what does that look like? How do we know we really repent? Yes, there's the Godly sorrow vs worldly sorrow, but is it evident in my life. There was a passage that said we are to bear fruits worthy of repentance. Huh? Ok, so don't keep sinning, PROVE that I'm repentant, right?      Esau, for instance, sought his fathers blessing, but was rejected. Although he sought the blessing with many tears, he was not repentant. In Ezekiel 14, God set His face against those who would not repent.      But, whenever people sought repentance - whole heart repentance - they were heard. They were forgiven. They were shown mercy. Restored. Job 42 tells us how he repented and the Lord restored AND then blessed him.      Hosea 6:1 (Amp) come and let us return (in repenta...

Church, really???

     Jesus is coming back. Some days I'd like that to be very soon. But, He's coming back for His people......the Church. He is coming for a pure, spotless church. So, obviously, that is taking longer.      Jesus called out sin. He forgave repentant ones. Shouldn't we call out sin as well if we strive to be like Jesus? But, like the rich young ruler, we cannot give up our wealth - our sin, whatever it may be. Grace covers it all we believe.      I WANT my sin exposed. That's why I read His Word that points it out to me. That's why I like Pastors to call me out, even when it hurts. Even when I disagree. Even when I have rationalized and stubbornly continued in it.      Church, it's time to wake up. It's time we took off blinders of grace and recognize the purity He calls for, the holiness, the Jesus-likeness. God is calling for us to be broken, to die to self daily, to be intolerant of sin in our own lives and in the lives...