
Showing posts from June, 2015

Tell Your Story

     What do you do with regrets? Where do they go when you tuck them away until you are reminded of them once again? How do you handle wasted years? Do you hide your past from people so they won't think less of you? But what if your friend is going through something you've gone through, wouldn't you tell them how you made it?  What if you see a younger person about to make a huge mistake, just like you did, won't you tell him!?      God's Word says in Joel 2:25 that He restores what the locusts have eaten. I want to think this is how He does that. He allows you to help someone thereby using your "stuff" so that He can redeem others. Yet, we are scared to tell, we'd rather cling to our sadness because it's where we have become comfortable. We think our business would be best left hidden.      Is there a sure fire way to be free of things in our past? No      Should we allow God to give us voice to help another on thei...


     I remembered to flip the calendars to June finally, on the 3rd day. Really, wasn't it just yesterday that I flipped them to May?! I don't need to tell you how fast time know this.      I find myself suddenly nearing "older" and that is unbelievable - inconceivable - impossible. My parents were OLD. Now I am that age. Even my second born is nearing middle age....whaaaaat?!      Yesterday, I was just married (reality is that it's almost 50 years). Yesterday, I had a baby girl who looked like me. Yesterday, she was still a baby and I birthed a baby boy who looked like his daddy. Yesterday, they went to school and then suddenly, they were teenagers. Oy.      I blinked, I didn't record each thing. I didn't play enough. I didn't love well. I let it pass without a thought. I never said STOP - wait - let's talk - let's savor these moments.      Yesterday, came grandchildren, now, they're young ...